5 Basic Things Every Writer Needs to Know



You know about plot. You know about character development and conflict. You know about setting and resolution. So what else is there? What are you missing? What else needs your attention?


You are the crux of everything that you write. If you don’t take care of yourself, how are all of those beautiful words (or horrifying, or amusing, whatever your genre) going to get out of your head?

Here are some of the most overlooked but most important ways to make sure that you’re on top of your writing game.


Eat Your Heart Out

silverware, fork, knife, spoon, illustrated, silhouetteYour brain can only live off Yoo-hoo and Doritos for so long. It may save you time, but it’s costing you brain power. Not getting the proper nutrition can result in illness, aches and pains, and listlessness.

Listlessness may sound familiar. If you are looking for sugary foods to boost your energy level, here’s what actually happens:

Sugary snacks create a spike in your blood sugar, giving you that oomph of energy. Except your body then looks for more fuel, but since it burned everything on that spike, there’s nothing there. Then comes the crash, and goodbye good writing!

Next time, when you’re looking for a snack, see if you can munch on some veggies or a protein bar to satisfy your hunger. And if you’re not quite ready to give up your Fritos and bean dip, at least bolster it a bit with fruits and veggies. At least it will counter the effect.

Pro Tip:

Before you sit down to write, prepare some good-for-you snacks so when you’re on a roll and get the munchies, you don’t result to picking up something that won’t give you as much brain power. Be prepared.


The Hydra Station

I know that writers are supposed to stay up all night, drinking coffee by the gallon, and chain-watersmoking cigarettes while they crank out the next great American novel.

Studies show that’s probably not the best idea. It turns out that caffeine, in addition to being a stimulant, restricts blood vessels, pulls water from cells, and causes dehydration. So, I hate to be the one to deflate the stereotype, but trade in your coffee for water. Your brain is made of 70% water. Give that thing what it wants! Replenish its fluids and it will reward you by working properly.

Pro Tip:
If it’s not feasible to cut out coffee in lieu of water, try to drink at least one glass of water for every cup off coffee.


The Sandman Cometh

zzzzzWith a busy schedule, sleep is usually the first thing that gets cut—and writers get hit more than anyone—especially when there are deadlines. Maybe you get up early to write. Maybe you stay up late to get a little more done. Either of which is fine—but not both. You also need to make up that lost time. If possible, when you stay up late, sleep in. If you get up early, go to bed a little earlier.

Naps can be a two-edged sword. I find that if I sleep in the middle of the day, I wake up two hours later, wondering what year it is. So instead of napping, I try to make sure that I get enough sleep during my normal sleeping hours. I do understand that that’s not feasible for everyone. Enter the power nap. When your brain shuts down and you can’t think of another word, find a quiet spot, and close your eyes for 10-15 minutes. It is usually enough to get you over that bleary-eyed hump.

Pro Tip:
If mental clarity isn’t enough incentive to get adequate sleep, keep this in mind: shorting yourself on sleep can cause symptoms of premature aging such as wrinkles and disease.


Get Busy, Child

When you’re writing, it’s super easy to sit at your computer for 15 hours straight, even after runnerinspiration wanes. Moving your body around brings blood back to your cells, including the ones in your brain.

It would be ideal to get half an hour each day to get moving. You could go to the gym (I know) or you could do something as simple as take a 15 minute walk in the morning and a 15 minute walk in the afternoon. Or turn up the music and dance around the living room. Or stretch. Or walk up and down some stairs. Or just step outside. It doesn’t have to be hard. Just get up and move. Any type of activity is better than none.

Pro Tip:
Set an alarm to help you remember to get away from your desk for 2-5 minutes each hour.


The Spirit Calls

shadow w heartStudies show that regular practices of the mind result in sharper memory, increased productivity, and increased creativity flow. You don’t have to become a full-on Yogi, but regular relaxation is needed, even if it’s just 5 minutes per day. You can meditate if you want, but gardening, reading, drawing, or even just appreciating nature for a few minutes is enough to do it. It’s very unhealthy to go full-tilt all the time. Even if you are on a roll, take time for yourself and give yourself a mental break.

Pro Tip:
Here’s an exercise that is easy to do with minimal effort. Get away from your desk and to a comfortable place. Get yourself comfortable and let your eyes close for 5-10 minutes. Forget your problems, forget your worries, just be. When the timer goes off, you will feel surprisingly refreshed. At the very least, you gave your brain and eyes some rest and will be ready to get back on that writing wagon.


The most important tool that a writer possesses is his mind. A well-rested, well-fed, and peaceful mind is ready to examine, explore, research, and express. Taking care of it will ensure that you are energized, clear, fresh, and inspired.

So, go ahead. Indulge in some self-care. The results may be just what you’re looking for.


C. Rain Industries Has a New Website!



I am pleased to announce the release of my new website, http://www.CRainIncorporated.com. It is designed with a fresh new look and user-friendly navigation, updated with the latest information about services.

The updated site contains information about existing and new services. You can now find information about writing, copyediting, and multimedia all in the same website.

Review outlines of services and watch related videos with the most updated news. The new design allows you to quickly find what you are seeking.

I hope that you enjoy browsing the new site and getting more information about what it is that I do. Please let me know what I can do for you!